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There is always something going on in YNIVERSE.
And they are quite eccentric.

Stay tuned...

June 28, 2024 (YNIVERSE)

'Ozgurism' with subtitle 'OI' went live on June 24 2024. 


The first 'workbook' entitled The Vaccine was published in November 2020. Star Roadmap, consisting of 5 levels, made itself visible in 2021. In 2022 and 2023, YNIVERSE and YNIVERSITY came aboard, respectively. Many other evolutions occured, too, enriching the vocabulary: E.g. Wisdom Footprint, Vision Checkup, Star Sustainability Matrix, ChatOZ, YNIGRAPH, etc.

Finally, and most recently, OI and the Ozgurism book in 2024.

YNIVERSE means non stop development, apparently. 

​The book, both visually depicting the outcomes and the progress that followed after The Vaccine and showing the major notes, articles, cornerstones up until 2020 in chronological order, made a great team with The Vaccine and fulfilled a critical role in YNIVERSE. Now all this is your call, because this is YNIVERSE. I pretty much did my part in case you ask 'What about YOU'NIVERSe?'. :D 

About the author​​

Please make sure you exactly know what (and how) you are getting before ordering the books online. E.g. If you cover 100 friends (including yourself, and 1 USD/Euro/£) for a global vision checkup session you will get 4 copies of The Vaccine and 1 Ozgurism for free as a gift.) Feel free to reimburse the people you cover ;-) Think free. Be creative.
From another angle, it is time, for you all, to have a new agenda to talk over and discuss when you meet with friends and/or  anybody, any organization. Become a Star Partner and invite everyone to become 1, in other words.

In overall, the author believes that he is offering you something priceless, and he pretty much completed all the required tools, both philosophical and technical, to make the best out of it, offering you the below 3 options at the same time, to help designate your reaction, considering somehow you'd love to come aboard, in one way or another;
1. Free
2. 1 YLE pp (Your Local Exchange)
3. You put the price tag.

Just make the best out of everything around here... That's all the author wants.

Last but not least, you may take a look at to read more about the scope. The more the merrier you know ;-)    Oops, the most the merriest!
You may contact for an alternative and more convenient local  bank info, too, if you want to come aboard. The designer  somehow tried to make every step as easy as possible for  everyone with any budget, with any demographic, from any  background.

​Author on Substack​

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Star Roadmap shining
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